Blogs and Books

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

7 Days at the Hot Corner

I just finished 7 Days at the Hot Corner by Terry Trueman. This is Scott Latimer's senior year and he plays third basemen on the championship team. His goal is to be invited to play professional ball, that is what he has been working for all his life. Third base, the hot corner, means you have to ready for anything that comes at you. Scott was not prepared for what life was going to throw at him. His best friend tells Scott that he is gay. Scott shares with the reader his thoughts, anger, fear and uncertainties as the news gets out in his school. The story is intermingled with baseball. This was not one of my favorite books by this author. Trueman has written several stories. The two other books which I have read include No Right Turn and Stuck in Neutral. I liked both of those books alot. One deals with suicide, the other with mental illness. I think Trueman tackles some tough issues and makes the reader think and he usually does it in a small number of pages.
Another book that deals with the gay/AIDS issue is Fade to Black by Alex Flinn, only in this book the guy is not gay. He gets AIDS from a sexual experience with a girl, but it does deal with the reactions of the students in his school as well.


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